Almost Dosent Count

This Blog is the inner
workings of my mind, some
intellectual, part ridicoulous, ramblings,notions
of granger, College GRADUATE humor
and a little bit of everyday gossip.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Where do I go from here?

I GRADUATED! *Dry voice* YAY!

Have you ever had that feeling after you've completed something, where you're supposed to be happy , but are nonchalant? Ladies and Gentleman... that is my situation. I graduated from college in May with hardly any enthusiasm.  I kept my cap and gown in my trunk, wrinkled resembling Barbara Walters until graduation.  No charming Sears Photo shoots dawning my graduation regalia, no invites in the mail to relatives I cant stand, but hopeful of monetary donation. Maybe the defining moment of my stoicism was cap and gown pick up, where the shining moment was ruined by Student Loan exit counseling.  Counseling that included a screen shot of debt with plenty of zero's to go around. Or maybe it was the moment you realized that a 5 year relationship was a waste.
Perhaps, it was the dreading thought that our economy is so screwed that I'll probably be flipping burgers at Wendy's.. proclaiming to my co-workers "What going to keep me warm, thats right, those degrees"

My indecisive feelings about what to do next in my life are killing me. The dream killing thought that I'll actually have to get a Master's in a field I hate (but brings in big bucks) versus doing what I love ( which will have me begging on State St.) ...

“A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality' is the key to success.” -Robert Purvis

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