Okay so i just made im one yr past 21 now and lets face it, " I aint getting no younger". There comes a time in a young college girls life when all her friends, are thinking about marriage, and the big commitment is fastly approaching. More often you hear your friends rambling " I aint stayin in a relationship if its just for a couple of months, he better put a ring on it!" (men thank beyonce) But in the back of my mind, broke college students CANNOT AFFORD a decent wedding. I feel like the day you waited for since childhood should be glamourous, tasteful, and a dream , not a H.A.M.( hot ass mess). Too long have i stared at computer screens in disgust as Facebook showed, cheap bridesmaid dresses, lounge ceremonies, and magic photo portrait backgrounds. Why rush when the results will be poor, if he or she loves you graduation, or a little more time isnt gonna make you die!
1. Make sure that yout groomsman and bridesmaids are your real friends, and not just someone you picked out of a hat, or worse your classroom
2. Sometimes less is more, in adulthood ghetto prom dresses should be sooooo 2001
3. A church is a cheap option in making it look classy, dont have your wedding in a banquet hall that also hosts strip parties the night before.
4. Dont spend your money on things that dont fit with the ceremony, i.e. stretch hummers, rented lambos, impalas.. that ghetto a nice lincoln towncar is classier
all in all i think that waiting can be the best formula for success and longevitity dont stress your friends out with ugly dresses, Bridezilla attacks, and drunken situations with strippers at bachelor parties......