You know what you honestly look like b4 U leave the House....
So iv'e been coming across a slew of crazy pics on the net, of women degrading themselves, and burning the eyes of children and animals alike. I recently went to the club with friends to celebrate a birthday and i came across an interesting type of individual. I will call her " the push the limit woman"i say this because she pushes the limit in everything she wears, says and does. Standing in front of me is a rather plump woman wearing a leopard skin dress, that dosent even fit her bottom(censored) and she is rocking last seasons furry gray hood rat boot( those of you from chi can attest the barefoot special) I looked at her friends puzzled and mad they let her come out like this... but in reality it is not their responsibility to tell her she looked H.A.M. , ladies we honestly know what we look like b4 we leave home. Dont be the tacky friend at the club plz spare your girls.. everyone cannot be melysa ford. TV is what it is mostly fake. so pls wrap it up.. and by that i mean the fat(not to be confused with phat) .. thanks

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