Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers. ~Mary Tyler Moore

Several new outlets have been reporting that Chris Brown and Rihanna have been secretly meeting, and carrying on romantic encounters ignoring the judges sentencing. Chris brown Having pleaded guilty to felony assault after pummeling her face to a pulp, Chris Brown's probation stipulates that he not get within 50 yards of his ex.
That's 150 feet, for those scoring at home. Earlier this week the two were both dining at resturaunts across the street from one another, and even stayed in the same Hotel.
This clearly violates that clause, but were they even aware of it? Did they meet up on purpose? For now, at least, these mysteries remain unanswered. All I can say is that is it fair to tell these two young adults they cannot make up and remain together, after the WHOLE world got involved??
That's 150 feet, for those scoring at home. Earlier this week the two were both dining at resturaunts across the street from one another, and even stayed in the same Hotel.
This clearly violates that clause, but were they even aware of it? Did they meet up on purpose? For now, at least, these mysteries remain unanswered. All I can say is that is it fair to tell these two young adults they cannot make up and remain together, after the WHOLE world got involved??
the NY Post is saying that an insider told them:
"[Rihanna] keeps denying that she's seeing Chris again, though no one believes her," says a source.
"[Rihanna] keeps denying that she's seeing Chris again, though no one believes her," says a source.
And here’s what Star Magazine is saying:
On Saturday lunchtime, Brown was spotted by a hotel worker 'canoodling' with Rihanna in her room. 'He was cupping her cheeks with his hands and whispering in her ear. She was giggling. It all looked very cosy,' according to the insider.
So when is enough .. enough in toxic relationships.. Domestic violence is affecting a majority of young women and more than often the end result is the couple getting back together, or sadly with someone 6 ft under. Chris brown and Rihanna are both results and entitled to make their own decisions, BUT when your face is all over the world it makes it look 10 times worse for the two. Is this puppy love gonna cost Chris Brown his career and Freedom?? I dont know but all i can say is what my mother told me... Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice.. well u know how it finishes.
On Saturday lunchtime, Brown was spotted by a hotel worker 'canoodling' with Rihanna in her room. 'He was cupping her cheeks with his hands and whispering in her ear. She was giggling. It all looked very cosy,' according to the insider.
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