Almost Dosent Count

This Blog is the inner
workings of my mind, some
intellectual, part ridicoulous, ramblings,notions
of granger, College GRADUATE humor
and a little bit of everyday gossip.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blogging... yet again from my school library... watching the buses turn around our new/old terminal..

I've actually grown to like the library. Before the only reason I would even step foot into a Library was to grab so books for reading in solitude, and run out. Now that almost every hour awake is spent in this building of tacky beige and green decor, i've learned to cope. I got 2 phonecalls yesterday, one stating "F your new boyfriend( the library), The other " you cant possibly, stay in there till 12pm every night".. Truth is.. I wouldnt have it any other way. Call it  boring, monotonous, whatever..

graduation is approaching... and the anxiety im feeling could cause me to explode..

After spending years on the same schedule, seeing the same people.. i came to the conclusion ..THE REAL WORLD IS SCARY AS HELL!

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