Almost Dosent Count

This Blog is the inner
workings of my mind, some
intellectual, part ridicoulous, ramblings,notions
of granger, College GRADUATE humor
and a little bit of everyday gossip.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


"She fiends for me nightly
She leans for me
Morning she rush for my touch
This is about LUST"

"I only said I didnt care because I was overwhelmed"...
The bond shared between two people intimately can link them to a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows, with a neverending "Giant drop"
I can atest that the feelings that are mutual between two individuals who share moments of passion can dig deeper into the psyche and heart than a butcher knife..
Emotion & Love mimic fairy tale.. the lesser evil or the issue i'm experiencing..
How do you cope with the feeling that you want the Passion, without the commitment.
Is it fair to ask someone to forget about you..but in all actuality you havent forgot them ..
especially whenever your eyelids close you catch a glimpse of moment shared in darkness?
The yelling, senseless arguements, priorities misplaced, and time commitment seem like a 300lb weight on my back..
But when I think of the feelings I shared... the 300lb becomes as meaningless as a feather..
Do I stand strong, fighting all implications that the flesh is growing weaker than the mind..
Or do i give in to MY FORBIDDEN FRUIT..

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