Almost Dosent Count

This Blog is the inner
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

:Women Lie Men Lie, Men Lie to Survive:

"Take out a piece of paper, mark all the one's you find yourself nodding your head to". 
         If you can say that he's 50% of all these, Run...Quickly"
Sign Number One: Gut Instinct

Have a funny feeling in your tummy when it comes to him? Did your first instinct tell you to steer clear due to friends recommendations? Well some hypothetical Tums, and if it's still there once they've taken effect, chances are that your body is trying to tell you something

Sign Number Two: His Friends brag about how many girls he has
While this might be terms of fraternal affection in many cases, 
be aware that this is really the truth 9 times 10.
Sign Number Three: You're Not Good Enough For Him
Seriously. This is a very important clue. Feeling that you're not good enough for him means that you feel bad about yourself....Which means he's not right for you relationship wise or sexually.
Sign Number Four: He Has A Lot Of Female Friends - And They're Jealous.
When your with him, and women come up and put their hands on him possessively and give you that little smug look. I don't need to describe that look to you, we all know what that look is, and we've all seen this scene play out at some point even if it was just on the movie screen. If this sort of thing happens when you're out with him, note his reaction..He has many possible interests.

Sign Number 5: He expressly denies being a Hoe or Sexual

In my experience, the men who come straight out (unprovoked) and proclaim that they aren't players, tend to be precisely that. He will announce this the first time he screws up, or senses that you're leery about him or his motives.. Dont ever let a man tell you he dosent love sex, or dosent enjoy the company of many women.

Sign Number 6: He's always slightly disconnected at times

He pays just enough attention to make you crave more, but little enough to make you wonder how interested he really is. This ploy is designed to make you want more - which is what most of you end up doing -- and some of you will go out of your way to get his attention via methods you wouldn't normally lower yourself to. That's exactly what he wants; you crawling on your knees for his attention.

Sign Number 7: He's an expert in bed.

These guys are so good in bed that many women will overlook the crap he pulls, just to get the chance to play house with him. The sex will be so good, and enough to get you semi hooked, that youll find yourself giving him more attention than you ever planned to.

Sign Number 8: 

His communication skills suck.

Unless there's a very good reason, if a man doesn't answer your text/email/phone call within 24 hours, he's playing a game. And the men who deny the truth of that statement by claiming that some men are just too busy...? They're full of shit. If you really like someone, you can find a minute to at least text them. No one is that busy! he's playing games.

Sign Number 9:

He makes you feel like you're overreacting when you're not.

Let me give you an example: He promises to call you back at 8pm, but doesn't contact you until the next day. Why? Because he decided that watch a game with his friends would be more fun. When asked why he couldn't be bothered to let you know, to send you a text at least, he replies by making you feel like you're being clingy or too demanding. Lies all Lies

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